👉🏽 If you do not see any of our active programs, it means you do not meet the participation requirements.
👉🏽 Detailed instructions for using can be found here.
ReGeneration is not just an internship program, it is a holistic career development program offering paid 6-month employment to young graduates. ReGeneration is not the project or effort of a single company, but rather, it is a multi-stakeholder program that collaborates with numerous companies to significantly impact a graduate's first professional experience, as well as their professional and personal development.
Yes! As the program is aimed at assisting recent graduates, if you have completed all courses required for graduation and can present proof upon request, if you expect your degree within 3 months or your thesis is pending, you may apply.
Your resume/CV should be submitted in English.
Once you have completed the hard skills training and for a period of 2 years you can not apply again to another program of ReGeneration and Project Future. After this period, you can resubmit your application, if you meet the terms and conditions. In case you do not successfully pass one of the selection stages, then you can register for another program.
Of course. There is no limitation to reapplying for future selection rounds.
You can only register to one program. In case you do not successfully pass one of the selection stages, then you can register to another program.
Game-based Assessment is the second stage of the ReGeneration selection process. Those candidates who go on to the next stage of the GBA will complete two tests: one skill test (numerical and diagrammatic), and one personality test.
Typically, you will be able to complete the GBA from your mobile device or tablet in about 1-1.5 hours.
Learn more about Game-based Assessment on the FAQ page.
All candidates are informed by e-mail about their progress in each stage of the program regardless of the result. It is important to check the junk / spam / social folders at regular intervals, as it is possible that the e-mail is there.
Community service to NGOs is to be completed outside work hours during a trainee's free time, prior to or during the 6-month employment period.
The training is an integral part of the ReGeneration program. When someone applies to ReGeneration, he/she agrees with the Program Terms and Conditions that beyond completing their 6-month employment opportunity, the trainee attends the training program.
The program cannot be combined with other professional activities, as it is based on a full-time, 8-hour workday. If you are currently working and interested in ReGeneration, you may apply as long as you are available to partake in the program's selection process, which requires meeting at the Assessment Center, interviews with companies, the first part of training, and the beginning of your collaboration with a company, should you be selected.
Companies have access to our database of candidate finalists. When they discover a profile fitting for a position they wish to fill, companies contact candidates for an interview directly. Companies interested in hiring a candidate may then extend an offer, which the candidate decides whether or not to accept thereafter. If the candidate receives multiple job offers from different companies, they may choose to work with the company of their preference.
Once you have completed the hard skills training and for a period of 2 years you can not apply again to another program of ReGeneration and Project Future regardless of whether you started working at one of our hiring partners. After this period, you can resubmit your application, if you still meet the terms and conditions.
The program includes the following:
ReGeneration sets a minimum wage of 1000 € per month total for all employees. Increased salary opportunities are at the discretion of each company.
ReGeneration addresses graduates and companies across Greece. In past cycles, beyond Attica, we have offered opportunities in Thessaloniki, Drama, and Patra. We are constantly on the lookout to expand with more employment opportunities in other areas of Greece.
The finalists of the program can renew their CV through their profile on the as many times as they wish during the one year that their CV is available to the partner companies.
The data of the participants who have successfully passed all the evaluation and training stages of the program will remain available to the participating Companies through the ReGeneration Program for a calendar year (12 months), from the date the data will be available on the ReGeneration platform.
Yes! You can send us an email at, so that we can deactivate your CV from our database for as long as you wish and activate it when you are again available. The period of time that your CV will be deactivated is included in the 12 months that the data remains available in the participating Companies through the ReGeneration Program.
In case you find a job, after completing the training you must send us an email at, so that we can update your profile in our database.
The Program addresses notable companies that wish to invest in their workforce by integrating highly talented graduates into their team. Multinational and large Greek companies, as well as small to medium-sized companies and startups participate in the Program.
A company may recruit candidates throughout the year, utilizing ReGeneration as a main source of talented graduates for entry level opportunities. Company recruitment is independent of graduate application cycles and deadlines.
By clicking here ( ), you will be taken to the Application Form page where you can indicate the positions you are looking to fill with ReGeneration candidates. The number of open positions posted does not constitute a commitment for the company. When you submit your application, we will be in contact. Once the company is approved, we will provide access to our platform. There, you will be able to search for candidates based on your needs, and extend an interview invitation directly to them.
Firstly, make sure you are using Google Chrome in its latest version. Proceed to a zoom out (ctrl + scroll down) and the button ''next'' will appear, after filling in all the fields.
If the problem continues, you can contact us at
No, ReGeneration's services to companies and candidates do not imply a financial obligation as it concerns a non-profit initiative, with the support of: Coca-Cola and The Hellenic Initiative.
In case you want to strengthen the purpose of ReGeneration in order to continue to offer to young people by creating a social footprint you can proceed by making your own donation here.
Of course! Several of the participating companies utilize ReGeneration in addition to or in support of their own paid employment and / or internship program.
The only requirements for a company to participate in the program is to cover the trainee salary (1000 €/month for at least six months, plus statutory employer contributions), and offer a useful learning experience through the work trainees fulfill at the company.
Yes, it is at the discretion of each company to proceed in cooperation with the terms it wishes as long as the 2 basic contractual conditions of the program are met.
If you do not find a candidate that meets your job post needs, you are not obligated to recruit anyone. To help ReGeneration best support your needs, please be as specific as possible as to the details of the position you would like to fill.
A contract is drafted between the company and the candidate (recruitment for fixed or indefinite time). ReGeneration is not involved with the 6-month working period beyond (a) communication related to the candidate's mandatory training seminar attendance, and (b) evaluation of the company-program and company-candidate collaboration.
Yes. Contracts between the candidate and company may, at the company’s discretion, be renewed or extended at the end of the program. To date, 82% of trainees have renewed their contract at the end of the 6-month period, which demonstrates the quality of graduates selected for this program.
Yes! Below you may find some possible ways to cooperate with ReGeneration:
For more information, you can contact us at
By hiring a ReGeneration candidate, you become a hiring partner of the program and a member of a network of more than 925 hiring partners and a total of 1600 partners.
No! This is a personality assessment wrapped in a game format. There is no special ability, skill, or knowledge needed to be able to successfully complete the session. The Arctic Shores behavior-based assessment for recruitment tool is carefully designed to be intuitive and easy to use. Extensive testing has shown that there is no difference in someone's performance in the game-based psychometric tests whether highly experienced or inexperienced with video games.
The objective is stated at the start of each game. It typically requires collecting as many tokens as you can (in the form of fireflies, stars, etc). The most important objective is to stay focused on all the game tasks and to try your best at every level.
Most people assume it's all about the number of tokens collected. In the personality assessments, the number of tokens you collect is NOT what we are measuring. Arctic Shores collects over 3,000 data points from the way you approach each level and how you decide to address each task. The best strategy, therefore, is to be yourself and let the game capture the unique way you apply yourself to the tasks in each level. In the aptitude assessments, you will be measured on the basis of how many questions you answer correctly.
This is a personality assessment, looking at your behaviors and approach to certain carefully-designed tasks. The data recorded will be used to determine certain personality traits included in your profile. There is a lot more to selecting the right candidate than personality traits, however. Psychometric assessment results are part of the recruitment process but do not serve as the sole deciding factor for potential job offers. Results are considered along with information provided through the Program application and Assessment Center.
No, it's a serious assessment in an engaging format. Arctic Shores is not a games company that started to try their hand at psychometric assessments. They started with psychometric science and worked out how to make the data capture more engaging and objective.
There is no specific time limit on personality assessments. On average, people take 20-25 minutes to complete a session. Some people like to take a little longer, however. It's not about how quickly you complete the session, but rather, how well you focus on the requirements of each level and apply your best efforts to the tasks. There is a time limit on the aptitude assessment where you will have up to 17 minutes to complete each level. In the event of a learning disability (ie. dyslexia), you will need to provide documentation of the said disability in order to be provided with extra time.
Apple iOS and Android mobile device operating systems support Arctic Shores' Game-Based Assessment. Older devices (more than 3 years since they were first introduced to the market) will be slower, and in some cases, unable to run the application. Please note that the MS Windows Mobile operating system does not support app. The application is designed to function properly on any screen size. If you do not have a phone or tablet with these specifications, keep in mind that during the Games-Based Assessment phase, you will have to acquire a device from a friend or a family member.
If you do not have a mobile phone or tablet with the specific specifications, during the Games-based Assessment period you should borrow one from a friend or family member for a while.
Not at the moment. The application is built for native use on mobile devices, allowing for higher performance and better data capture. More and more recruiters are moving their application process to mobile. With over 80% of job applicants preferring to apply via mobile device, Arctic Shores decided to start off with this platform.
Each applicant is given a unique player key that is specific to both the candidate and the application. What this means is that you can use that key on any supported device, and the data will be connected to your User ID and job application. If you do not have a supported device, you can borrow one from a friend or family member.
First of all, do not panic! Arctic Shores has solutions for both of these situations. Once you complete each level, the data is recorded, and if there is an internet connection to the device, the data is automatically sent to Arctic Shores' server and stored. If you need to restart, the app will check your unique ID and confirm the latest recorded data. You will be given the option to “resume game” and continue from the last completed level forward.
Yes! That's the advantage of having the app on your device. It is best if you complete the session in one sitting, but we acknowledge that this is not always possible, so you can exit the app at any time. It is best to complete a level before you exit so that your data is not lost. Please note, it is important to always have a strong internet connection so that the data is sent to Arctic Shores.
Arctic Shores records only the way you approach the tasks in the app. They do not capture any personal data from your device. The recorded data is encrypted and sent to Arctic Shores' server, which is hosted through a reputable data center provider. Once the server receives the data, your results are compared to the national average previously collected.
Arctic Shores pilots and tests all of their applications for several months before full public release. Since their initial launch, their applications have been used by several leading international firms spanning a variety of industry sectors, from professional services to engineering and construction, including Deloitte and The Royal Bank of Scotland.
Yes. Your results are compiled and compared to a data set collected from across the country, representing a normal distribution of the population. A candidate-friendly report is automatically created and will be sent to you directly from Arctic Shores. The report covers the personality traits measured, as well as some interesting statistics on your game play session.
Like all personality tests, the best results are recorded on your first attempt. This is because you are giving your instinctive reaction to the tasks presented, and we are looking to measure your natural responses and preferences. This is why you will have only one attempt to complete all levels of the two games.
As we mentioned earlier, there is no specific skill necessary to take this assessment. It is simply a psychometric test designed in a fun format, rigorous behavioral science first, and gaming second. Do not be frightened by the term "video game" if it's not something you are familiar with. Arctic Shores has made the use of the test so simple, that there is no need to practice. Studies have confirmed that familiarity with the test in its game format does not impact the results that derive.
Unlike games designed for entertainment where familiarity with the game mechanic and layout improves performance and enables greater levels of difficulty or sophistication to be introduced, these psychometric based games are designed for measurement of behaviors. There is no “strategy” that will help you either through the tasks in each level or achieve a particular performance level. This is a test to assess certain personality traits and there is no good or bad result to achieve. The best approach, it is clearly stated in the instructions in the game, is to try your best at every level. There are no targets to achieve and the number of tokens you end up with, whether those be fireflies or stars, has no bearing on the results. Our hope is that you find the experience enjoyable and that you are intrigued to find out what we learnt from the way you interacted with our app.
You may reach us via email at for any technical issue you may encounter. In your message, please note the game you are playing, the device you are using, and the exact problem you are having.
For more information on the Arctic Shores Game-Based Assessment and app, visit
Yes! You will receive an email whether you successfully complete the Game-Based Assessment or not.