Easily discover outstanding candidates!

ReGeneration is the only program in Greece that holistically approaches the evaluation, training, and placement needs of junior executives in your company!

With 80% of companies now facing challenges filling junior positions, ReGeneration bridges the skills and job opportunities gap between young professionals and companies. Our program offers access to high-caliber junior talents according to the specific needs of each partner company, without any financial obligation!

Program graduates have undergone a rigorous evaluation process, and have completed specialized training in soft, hard and digital skills. 

ReGeneration closely follows the business ecosystem on a local and global level and seeks to best fit the needs and skills of young graduates into the existing job market.  


Why participate?

Strengthen your company's talent pipeline
Gain access to a pool of talented young professionals, selected among thousands of applicants, who have received soft and business skill training, as well as hands-on training in the most sought-after fields including Coding, Digital Marketing, Data Science, Business Intelligence, Project Management with Agile Specialization, etc.
Gain direct access to trained young professionals in various market industries
Receive immediate responses with proposed specialized candidates who meet the needs of your employment needs, online through the ReGeneration platform or via direct communication with the team.
Take advantage of cost savings
The process of recruitment, assessment, and training of staff takes time and incurs costs. ReGeneration undertakes the whole process for companies at no cost, connecting young professionals with the labor market!
Invest in Greece’s new generation workforce
ReGeneration empowers program participants by offering them positions matching their skills, right in their home country, making Greece an attractive choice to launch and build a career in.
Enhance corporate social responsibility & employer branding
By supporting ReGeneration, your company actively takes part in reducing “brain drain,” helping young professionals succeed in Greece. Companies actively involved in the program invest in CSR initiatives, positively impacting Greek youth and society.
Create communication & promotion opportunities for your company
Your company will be promoted through the Program’s communication and marketing material (presentations, campaigns, etc.) Personalized company promotion is also available depending on the degree of collaboration and the activities in which the company participates.

How to participate

The only two conditions for a company to participate in ReGeneration are:

Employment Duration: minimum 6-month employment

Employee Compensation: minimum €1000/month gross plus employer contributions

Are you interested in participating and discovering the junior candidates you are looking for?

What is the ReGeneration platform and how it works

ReGeneration’s online platform is here! Browsing the most dynamic database of junior candidates is now a quick and easy process, allowing partnering companies to identify the talent they are looking for, while candidates also gain access to an easy-to-use tool, both for creating their personal profiles and submitting applications. 

Registered companies gain access to a database of hundreds of promising young graduates, and can select candidates based on specific criteria for any open job opportunities. 


Find the app on Apple Store and soon on Play Store.

Hiring Partners

More than 925 companies trusted ReGeneration to find and hire the junior talents they needed.

See the entire network of Hiring Partners here.

Top 10 industries hiring from ReGeneration.

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